Audio Interview
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Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results

Meet Mackinaw (16041)

Mackinaw has a narrow face with deep-set, expressive brown eyes that convey his warm personality. His nose is straight and proportionate to his face, adding to his overall symmetrical and attractive facial profile. Mackinaw’s lips are well-shaped and often sport a subtle, charming smile that is punctuated with distinctive dimples. He is lean with a slender build and long limbs.

Mackinaw finds his creative outlet in writing and enjoys engaging in discussions about literature, film, and art. He has a strong interest in community building, nurturing friendships, and supporting those around him. He values human connections and strives to bring laughter and joy to the lives of those he interacts with. Growing up with seven siblings, he shares a close bond with his family, despite the challenges of keeping in touch due to their large number. His upbringing instilled a deep sense of loyalty and support for his loved ones. His altruistic spirit and understanding of the complexities of family dynamics influenced his decision to become a donor. As he pursues his studies in social work, aiming to become a therapist for children and families, Mackinaw's dedication to supporting others and his unwavering commitment to personal growth continue to shape his journey, making him a compelling donor choice.


Dark Brown



A Rh+


Caucasian, Czech, English, German, Scottish


B.A. Anthropology / Masters in Social Work / Student



    • This donor can only be distributed to Genea Fertility SA. Please contact the clinic to see about availability and to place an order.
    • Level 9
      431 King William Street
      Adelaide SA 5000

      (08) 8100 2900