All Access Pass

Seattle Sperm Bank offers our customers an All Access Pass to our website.  Our All Access Pass provides unlimited access to our donor materials to help you choose which donor is the right fit for you.

All Access Pass

Free for Australian Customers

In the next step, you’ll create an account on our site, then verify your payment details.

Unlimited Access

Our All Access Pass Membership allows unlimited online access to detailed information about each donor:

  • Audio Interview

    An audio recording of the donor, where you will learn about the donor’s passions, talents, and interests, and get a better of idea of the donor’s personality.

  • Baby Photo

    A childhood photo of the donor! Many of our donors have provided more than one photo; please contact us to see if any of the donors on your short-list have additional childhood photos.

  • Extended Profile

    A comprehensive, 30-40 page document which provides details about the donor’s medical and family history, education, employment, hobbies, etc…

  • Keirsey Test

    An in-depth personality test, which thoroughly classifies the donor’s temperament and character.

  • Staff Impression

    An insightful description off the donor, as written by the SSB staff. We can always go into more detail about our donors, so please never hesitate to contact us with any questions.

  • Hand Written Message

    As part of the Extended Profile, each donor provides a hand written note, generally addressed to the recipients.

  • Genetic Test Results

    An in-depth list of Genetic Test Results provided by our partner lab.