Fertility First

Thank you for your interest in the donor sperm program between Fertility First and Seattle Sperm Bank.


50-52 Gloucester Rd 
Hurtsville, NSW 2220, AU


Ph #: 02 9586 3311



Fertility First was established in 1997 to offer personalised fertility health care and treatment. We provide professional advice, assessment and treatment, coupled with leading-edge assisted reproductive technologies.   Fertility First provides a calm and relaxing environment in our private sanctuary-like clinic. We want our patients to feel welcomed, cared for and relaxed. For information about treatment options at Fertility First please visit our website: https://fertilityfirst.com.au/

Please take time to read through the process below.

Medical appointments: Your Specialist will arrange some routing tests and will discuss whether donor treatment is appropriate in your circumstances.  Once your test results are available, if you choose to proceed, you will be advised to contact our Nursing staff on day one of your menstrual cycle, and the current donor list will be provided for your perusal and submit your donor choices.  Information on how to make your donor choice is provided during the mandatory implications counselling sessions offered at our clinic.

Counselling: Implications counselling is mandatory for all patients wishing to access donor sperm, and must be completed by an ANZICA qualified counsellor. The sessions are required to ensure you are fully informed of the proposed course of action and the consequences for you, and for any child, born as a result of treatment.  Genetic counselling is not a requirement, however, should you choose a donor that has been identified as a carrier for a genetic disposition, Seattle Sperm Bank will request a genetic consent be complete by you acknowledging the genetic result.

Donor Selection: At the time of booking on for your treatment cycle, our Nursing staff will provide you with the current donor list that is appropriate to your fertility treatment cycle.  The Seattle Sperm Bank donors available on the donor lists are available exclusively to our clinic and will not be on offer to any other clinic in NSW or Australia. Access to Donor bios, photos, audio interviews, extended profiles and Keirsey tests you will need to sign up for an all-access pass at All Access Pass | Seattle Sperm Bank Australia

All available information about the donor including any genetic carrier information is contained in the donor’s profile on the Seattle Sperm bank website. Please note donor availability is subject to change.

Find Exclusive Donors

Seattle Sperm Bank offers a number of donors in Australia exclusively to Fertility First. There are legal limits in Australia on how many families that donors can create, and Australian fertility clinics must take reasonable steps to ensure that the number of families who use a donor is minimised. This means the availability of donors may change over time.

If none of these donors are acceptable to you, you are welcome to search for more suitable donors that may be available elsewhere in Australia. Please note that the availability of donors is subject to change without notice.

Shipment: Seattle Sperm Bank will coordinate purchase and payment. Once you have purchased your selected Donor’s sperm Seattle Sperm Bank will contact Fertility First to advise us of the shipment.

  • Seattle Sperm Bank requires a minimum purchase of 3 vials for shipment (which is usually sufficient for 3 IVF/IUI treatments).
  • Please refer all queries regarding sperm, including cost, to Seattle Sperm bank.

IVF appointment at Fertility First: Once the sperm arrives at Fertility First you will be informed by one of our team.  You’ll be able to book on for your cycle after all medical and counselling appointments have been completed.



Guiding Your Fertility Journey

At Fertility First our team are known for clinical excellence and personalised patient care.  Please do not hesitate to contact us to answer any queries you may have.