Audio Interview
AAP Required
Baby Photos
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Extended Profile
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Keirsey Test
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Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results

Meet Richter (14360)

Richter is an impressive donor. He is multilingual, intelligent, compassionate, empathetic, and an all-around kind human. He is currently pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Nursing, after which he intends to complete a master’s degree in as well. He plans to use these to heal and help the less fortunate around him. Richter is an avid sportsman, surfing, swimming, soccer, and baseball are among his favorites. He has a wonderful family that he is extremely close with. His parents continue to be his mentors and have helped shape and guide him through his life.

Richter is quite tall, standing at 6’5”, and has a lean, athletic build, which he owes to his constantly active lifestyle. He has sparkling almond shape green eyes that stand out against his tan complexion and medium brown straight hair. Richter has a mischievous grin and full lips. He has a sharp jawline and a narrow nose. We are happy to have Richter in our donor program and believe he will make an excellent choice for anyone looking to grow their family.





O Rh+


Caucasian, German, Norwegian


Nursing Student / Lifeguard


Sema4 Elements 502 Panel