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Genetic Test Results

Meet Aymeric (10802)

Aymeric stands at 5'10" with a strong, muscular build, exuding confidence and vitality. His olive skin is adorned with freckles, and his dark brown, long curly hair frames his face, accentuating his kind and regal brown eyes. Aymeric's presence radiates positivity and uplifts those around him with his infectious energy.

Aymeric has a deep admiration for otters, appreciating their intelligence and caring nature, and embodies these qualities as a compassionate and empathetic listener. Driven by a desire for financial freedom, Aymeric is determined to achieve his aspirations and lives with purpose and focus.


Dark Brown



O Rh-


Mix, African-American, Caucasian, German, Welsh


Financial Planning B.A. ( in progress) / Financial Analyst



    • This donor can only be distributed to Life Fertility Clinic NSW. Please contact the clinic to see about availability and to place an order.
    • Life Fertility Clinic NSW
      St Luke's Clinic, Hemsley House
      20 Roslyn St,
      Potts Point NSW 2011

      Please contact Life Fertility to enquire about availability and to make a reservation.

      02 9057 9888

    • No disease causing mutations detected