Audio Interview
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Baby Photos
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Extended Profile
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Keirsey Test
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Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results

Meet Baker (12361)

Baker has a rectangular face with high cheekbones, a broad smile, and a pointed nose with a high, narrow, bridge. His angular features are proportionate and attractive. His complexion is smooth and flawless with a medium-tan skin tone. He is slender and lives an active, healthy, lifestyle that includes playing numerous sports.

Baker has an inviting personality and enjoys discussing art and whatever book he is currently reading. He is a cultured and well-educated purveyor of the arts. He is passionate about Shakespearean literature, spending much of his time studying the classics. He is working towards his doctorate so that he can teach at a University. He is currently working on writing a novel that we are sure will be a great read!


Dark Brown



A Rh+


Mix, British, French, Irish, Japanese, Scottish


Ph.D. English Literature / Student; Instructor


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result: No disease causing mutations detectedative for g.27134T>G SNP and SMN1: 2 copies.