Audio Interview
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Baby Photos
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Extended Profile
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Keirsey Test
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Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results

Meet Brantley (10180)

Brantley is a good-looking young man. Standing just shy of six feet, Brantley has a muscular build that he maintains with regular strength training. Fitness and a healthy lifestyle is very important to him. Brantley has fair skin with lots of freckles. He has red hair that he keeps fashionably styled. The first feature on Brantley you notice are his almond shaped eyes of two different colors, one blue one green. He has straight white teeth and a great smile that is often on display.

Brantley is currently pursuing a degree in Secondary Education and hopes to pursue a career teaching younger children. He also would like to be involved in coaching high school level sports teams. Sports have been and still are a very big part of Brantley’s life and he is still involved in recreational team sports. Brantley is very easy to get along with and shows a genuine interest in those around him. He is a great combination of looks, intelligence and outgoing personality.





O Rh+


Caucasian, Dutch, English, German, Irish


B.S. Secondary Education / Senior Care


Counsyl Universal Panel minus x-linked conditions (at least 102 conditions)

    • This donor can only be distributed to Genea Fertility SA. Please contact the clinic to see about availability and to place an order.
    • Level 9
      431 King William Street
      Adelaide SA 5000

      (08) 8100 2900