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Meet Efren (12083)

Donor Efren is a tall, charismatic, creative, and overall energetic and artsy soul. He has brown/green eyes and thick, wavy, brown hair, with a large, muscular build. He has a positive attitude towards life and enjoys making various kinds of art including painting and drawing.

We enjoyed engaging in conversation with him, as he explained how he is passionate about helping other families and being in our program and being open to listening to testimonials from the families who were recipients of his donations. We were not surprised by his empathetic and caring personality, as he previously embarked on a mission trip to El Salvador to volunteer with helping families in need. We are proud to have this donor as part of our program.


Light Brown



A Rh+


Caucasian, English, German, Irish


Bachelor of Science - Public Administration / Restaurant Owner; Chef


Counsyl Universal Panel minus x-linked conditions (at least 102 conditions)