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Meet Guy (10225)

Guy is average height with broad shoulders and a stocky build. He maintains his
physique with regular cardiovascular workouts such as running and weight lifting. Guy
has thick, wavy brown hair that he keeps trimmed. This, coupled with his clean-shaven
face, give him a very clean-cut look. He has almond shaped, dark brown eyes and straight
white teeth that can be seen when he smiles. All these attributes make Guy a handsome
Guy is extremely dedicated and hardworking. He recently graduated from Arizona State
University with a degree in Sports Journalism. He has secured a job in that field and is
very excited to get his career started. He hopes to be writing for professional sports in the
future. Guy is also very involved in community outreach and enjoys volunteering and
giving back to the community. His family taught him that you should always help any
way you can and to be grateful for the life you have, these are traits he aims to have in his
day to day life.





O Rh+


Caucasian, Irish, Norwegian, Swedish, Welsh


BA in Sports Journalism in progress / School News Sports Editor



    • This donor can only be distributed to Fertility North. Please contact the clinic to see about availability and to place an order.
    • Nephrotic Syndrome (NPHS2-Related) : Carrier
    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result: No disease causing mutations detectedative for g.27134T>G SNP and SMN1: 2 copies.