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Meet Harrie (9774)

Harrie is tall and lean and has a kind, oval-shaped face with a nicely defined chin. His eyes are clear-blue and shaped like almonds. Although Harrie’s skin is fair his cheeks often show hints of rosiness. Blonde during his childhood years, his hair has darkened to a lovely light-brown. Harrie has a great smile, which is accentuated by his very expressive eyebrows.

Harrie is fiercely intelligent and highly self-motivated. From a very young age his parents demonstrated the importance of knowledge, learning new things, and exploring the unknown. He plays piano, having learned classical as a child, and now writes some of his own music. Harrie values his family immensely, and appreciates what it means to be part of a strong familial unit. When asked why he wants to be a donor, he answered, “I believe that everybody should be able to experience the joys and challenges of having a child, and I feel very fortunate that I have the opportunity to help someone experience that.”


Light Brown



A Rh+


Caucasian, English, French, German


B.A. Economics / Vendor relations at tech company



    • No disease causing mutations detected