Audio Interview
AAP Required
Baby Photos
AAP Required
Extended Profile
AAP Required
Keirsey Test
AAP Required
Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results

Meet Huff (14195)

Huff is kind, intelligent, and an all-around wonderful person. He is tall, with silky, brown hair and bold, brown eyes. He has an average, medium build, and a nice smile. Huff has a background of being both mathematically gifted and gifted in writing, and he works as a technical writer. He has a lofty and humorous personality, while remaining calm and laid back. Huff is recently engaged; he enjoys going to the beach and traveling with his fiancé in his spare time. In fact, his face lit up in his interview, when speaking about their month-long vacation they took to Europe, how exciting!

Besides attaining high intelligence, Huff also enjoys watching movies and playing music. We were impressed to hear how he can play the piano, clarinet, and alto saxophone. Huff is a very empathetic soul and has a great head on his shoulders. We recommend him for any family!





A Rh+


Caucasian, English, German


B.S. Technical Communications / Technical Writer


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

    • This donor can only be distributed to Genea Fertility SA. Please contact the clinic to see about availability and to place an order.
    • Level 9
      431 King William Street
      Adelaide SA 5000

      (08) 8100 2900

    • No disease causing mutations detected