Audio Interview
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Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results

Meet Jamal (10709)

Jamal is compassionate, talented, and quite a heartthrob! He is very handsome, with dark brown curly hair and sultry brown eyes. Large, round glasses compliment Jamal’s oval face and full cheeks. Jamal embraces the outdoors through backpacking, hiking, and swimming. He also enjoys spending time with his friends eating at new restaurants and playing Middle Eastern music with his father! Playing music with his father is important for many reasons, and closeness with their Palestinian culture is one of them! Family and culture are incredibly important to Jamal.

Jamal is exceptionally talented, knowing how to cook, play a variety of music genres and instruments, and even restore cars. All while going to school to be a physician! Jamal’s deep commitment to his dreams, family, and overall community is inspiring. His handsome features and kind heart make him quite a catch and we are lucky to have him in our program!


Dark Brown



B Rh+




Doctorate in Medicine in progress / Medical Student


Sema4 Elements 502 Panel

    • Sandhoff Disease : Carrier
    • Retinitis Pigmentosa 25 : Carrier
    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : SMN1 copy number: 2, SMN2 copy number: 2, c.*3+80T>G: No disease causing mutations detectedative, SMN1 Sequencing: No disease causing mutations detectedative