Audio Interview
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Baby Photos
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Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results

Meet Karl (12056)

Karl stands right at 6 feet with a fit and athletic frame. He keeps his brown, wavy hair short and stylish. His fair skin and light dusting of freckles brings out his bright blue eyes. With a strong chin and subtle dimples, he is a very attractive donor.

Karl is extremely intelligent, holding both a Masters and PhD, as well as being fluent in French. He currently works as an environmental engineer and project manager. His passions include being an avid piano player and playing chess. Karl keeps his body in shape by playing baseball, soccer, and lifting weights. He has an artistic eye and enjoys taking portrait photographs. If you are looking for someone handsome, smart, and athletic, Karl would be a great donor for you!





O Rh+


Caucasian, English, Lithuanian


PhD - Civil and Environmental Engineering / Environmental Engineer, Project Manager


Counsyl Fundamental Panel Plus (at least 21 conditions)

    • No disease causing mutations detected