Audio Interview
AAP Required
Baby Photos
AAP Required
Extended Profile
AAP Required
Keirsey Test
AAP Required
Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results

Meet Kenny (10584)

Kenny is an intelligent, wise, and determined guy, who always has a solid plan. He has beautiful dark brown hair, green eyes, and a nicely defined jawline. Kenny is currently studying mechanical engineering but hopes to one day live off-grid and enjoy all of nature’s offerings. We admire Kenny’s desire to move forward with a plan and goals for himself while maintaining a fun and well-rounded life.

In his free time, Kenny enjoys reading, hiking, hunting, and camping. He has a very adventurous spirit and is not afraid of the wilderness! While Kenny has a logical and focused personality, we enjoy how creative he is as well, specifically in writing. We admire his hardworking, goal-seeking personality and we are thankful to have him in our program.


Dark Brown



A Rh+


Caucasian, English, French, German


B.S. Mechanical Engineering / Student


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

    • This donor can only be distributed to Life Fertility Clinic QLD. Please contact the clinic to see about availability and to place an order.
    • Life Fertility Clinic
      1/36 Edmondstone Road
      Bowen Hills
      Queensland 4006

      Please contact Life Fertility to enquire about availability and to make a reservation.

      07 3606 3131

    • No disease causing mutations detected
    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result: No disease causing mutations detectedative for g.27134T>G SNP and SMN1: 2 copies.