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Meet Leon (12296)

Leon is an extremely handsome donor with proportionate, masculine features, and a square jawline.  His eyes are large and dark brown, and he has a broad smile with full lips and straight teeth. He is lean and muscular with a toned physique; his fitness and athletic ability are noticeable on first impression. He is a natural competitor!

Leon makes a point to become proficient in his undertakings both in athletics and professional skills. As an inquisitive and open minded person, he is interested in hearing new points of view and exploring new concepts. He is incredibly funny with a dry sense of humor. At the clinic we have appreciated that he a reliable, pragmatic, punctual, man of his word. We think he is a great guy and a strong donor choice.





O Rh+




B.S Biology / Medical Laboratory Technician/Army Reserve Officer


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)