Audio Interview
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Genetic Test Results

Meet Ping (10273)

Ping is of full Chinese descent. He is average height and has a lean, fit build as he enjoys basketball and swimming. Ping has sparkling brown eyes and always lights up the room with his infectious smile and bubbly personality. He has great skin, a full head of black hair that is always styled and a defined jawline to match.

Ping is very intelligent, persistent and hard working. He is currently working to get his PhD in mathematics, with an ultimate goal in life to make a breakthrough in science. On top of his mathematical, mechanical and scientific skills, Ping is fluent in both Mandarin and English. One of his favorite past times is traveling and has many worldly experiences. He is also a kind, easy- going and incredibly caring person, admired by many.





O Rh+


Asian, Chinese


B.S. Horticulture, P.h.D Applied Mathematics / Teaching Assistant


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

    • No disease causing mutations detected
    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result: No disease causing mutations detectedative for g.27134T>G SNP and SMN1: 2 copies.