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Meet Presley (10282)

Presley has great, dark brown hair with beautiful green/brown, almost honey-like eyes that
sparkle even more when he smiles, exposing straight brilliant white teeth. He is average height
with a fit/slender build which is in part to his years in dance including: jazz, ballet and
contemporary. He has a prominent jaw line with medium bone structure over very pretty, smooth
olive skin.
Presley is incredibly talented in multiple areas. One of his hobbies includes producing music; in
fact he can play eight different instruments including acoustic, bass and electric guitar as well as
cello, viola, drums and keys. Aside from being musically talented, he knows a bit of French and
is advanced in mathematics including calculus and static physics. Presley is currently enrolled in
college working towards his Aerospace Engineering degree with a goal to work for NASA one
day, helping to engineer one of the ships that populates the surface of planets.


Dark Brown



O Rh+


African-American, French, German, Native American


B.S. In aerospace engineering, not obtained yet / Reception Manager



    • This donor can only be distributed to Fertility North. Please contact the clinic to see about availability and to place an order.
    • No disease causing mutations detected
    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result: No disease causing mutations detectedative for g.27134T>G SNP and SMN1: 2 copies.