Audio Interview
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Baby Photos
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Extended Profile
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Keirsey Test
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Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results

Meet Reggy (12809)

Reggy is a true catch! He is tall, standing at 6’2”, with memorizing green eyes and blond hair. He is very intelligent and studied economics, which he has carried over into his successful career as a consultant. In addition to this success, Reggy teaches debate classes online for students, part-time. Reggy has not only a focused and driven personality, but he is musically inclined; He plays both violin and cello! This is something we enjoy hearing about from him often. In his free time, Reggy enjoys surfing, snowboarding, and traveling (he has visited a total of over 15 countries!). Reggy is conversational, positive, and a wonderful guy, we are thankful to have him in our program!





O Rh+


Caucasian, English, German, Russian, Scottish, Swedish


B.A. Economics / Real Estate and Private Equity


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result: No disease causing mutations detectedative for g.27134T>G SNP and SMN1: 2 copies.