Audio Interview
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Genetic Test Results

Meet Woodford (18123)

Woodford is a 6-foot-tall, medium-built guy with a laid-back charm. His dark brown hair, complete with a subtle widow's peak, adds a little edge to his easygoing vibe. His sky-blue, hooded eyes have a way of catching the light, and when he smiles—cue the cheek dimples! With his full lips and friendly demeanor, he's the type of person who can brighten a room without even trying.

Woodford is a math and economics whiz who crunches numbers by day at the bank, but when he's off the clock, he's all about balance—whether it's on the tennis court or trying to recreate baking show recipes with his partner. A lifelong Batman fan, he's been channeling his inner hero since childhood, though these days he's more likely to be saving cakes from the oven than Gotham City. Oh, and did I mention he's an Eagle Scout? Prepared for anything, from spreadsheets to sponge cakes!





O Rh+


Caucasian, English, German


B.S. in Mathematics; B.S. in Economics / Underwriting Manager



    • This donor can only be distributed to Adora Fertility NSW. Please contact the clinic to see about availability and to place an order.
    • Level 5, 28 Foveaux Street

      Surry Hills  NSW 2010



    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result. SMN1: 2 copies; c.*3+80T>G not detected.